It's Colombia. It's Greece. The Colombians came out playing with that South American flair. Greece usually batten down the hatches and prepare for defensive action. It's as though they are making Yogurt and Cheese in the back. Seriously, they're not known for scoring goals. Try though they might, Colombia ran through them like The Mask robbing a bank. Pablo Armero scored the game winner just five minutes into the game. Teofilo Gutierrez scored another just for safety. And James Rodriguez took the extra time as a moment to score a World Cup goal, because you never know how many chances at that you'll get in a lifetime.
Colombia 3:0 Greece
Praeceptor: Colombia 2:1 Greece
Scriptor: Colombia 2:0 Greece
IoannesNix: Colombia 1:2 Greece
Artifex: Colombia 1:2 Greece
Musicus: Colombia 1:1 Greece
Ferrarius: Colombia 2:1 Greece
3/0 YC
3/1 YC
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