
Sunday, June 5, 2016


Vade Hyacintho!


Hailing from the shores of SaMo, Musicus is a student of the French and English games. He entered the 2014 TSzALWorld Cup where he earned the dastardly honor of being the first competitor to earn a red card. Though his unsportsmanlike conduct cannot be forgotten, we can neither forget his final push to a 3rd place finish. With 64 career points and 10 by way of bonus, Musicus sits 5th in the Zla Dupki standings. He sat out the 2015 TSzAL Asian Cup, but reemerges for the 2016 TSzAL European Championship with his eyes on a French prize. For the purposes of our tournament, comparatively speaking, Musicus is Austria. Das Team finished 3rd at the 1954 World Cup. That's good and well, but that's about as high as they've peaked. History is for the books, and in the modern era Austria hasn't done anything to sing about. They enter they're second Euro Cup, after having cohosted in 2008, by winning their qualifying group. Nine victories and one draw saw them never see defeat. Musicus is sure to see some matches where he just can't score a point. Any success Das Team sees will help guide Musicus to a title. But players beware, he has been known to try a trick or two. <Insert Sick Laughter>. Welcome to the Tournament!

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