
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Revenge of the Fifth on the Fourth

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. You will all be celebrating your nation's independence day. You will also begin the next stage of this tournament. Ferrarius and IoannesNix will be battling for 5th and 6th places. Currently, Ferrarius only has one remaining pick. IoannesNix has two picks. To even things out, not only do both contestants start with 0 points, but Ferrarius will be granted the Socceroo Switcharoo. Ferrarius boldly predicted for Australia to win the group, and progress to the third place play-off which they would win. In reality, Netherlands won that slot. From here on out, Ferrarius's pick of Australia will be replaced by Netherlands. If Netherlands wins, then Ferrarius will gain the point. Other changes may take shape as needed. Good Luck contestants.

The four other contestants will all go back to 0 points as well. Four matches remain to determine which two players will battle for third, and which two will battle for the championship. Here is a rule change that affects everyone, including the fifth place playoff. From now on, bonus points will be handed out for predicting the correct score to a game. That is to say, if you don't have Brazil facing Colombia as the next match you can still gain a point. Let's say you have Mexico facing Japan. In this case if Mexico is in Brazil's spot and Brazil wins 2:1, then a prediction where Mexico wins 2:1 will count as a bonus point.

Once again, if a contestant scores more picks than Quis Digno they will gain another bonus point. Unfortunately, this may get harder as each round Quis Digno starts with all the correct teams.

More bonus points will be revealed. Keep your eyes open.

The Grand Salmon Alpaca

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